Mr Peachey arrived to find the library in blackness and chaos! All our library books were gone and there was no clue as to where! Mr Peachey mumbled something about aliens and space ships.... Mrs Jones was not sure about that!
Later when we had a gone to have a meeting about the weird happenings today, Mrs Ferraby came rushing into Room 2 with a note from the aliens...... they were very sorry but they knew nothing about books. They thought they were getting cookies! They returned our books but left us wondering how to explain what books were and how important they were to us and how they grow what we know about our world.
Mr Peachey like we have never seen him before, after the alien invasion !
The evidence of invasion.... alien handprints on the blackened doors of the library!
It was all too much for Mr Peachey and he had to visit the sick bay at Vardon School.